Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Water safety

Today at swimming we did water safety. Here are some does and don'ts and I love to do swimming.

Do's and Don'ts

Do stay calm   Do not panic
Do wear a life jacket when you are on a boat  Do not jump on somebody's back

Do keep the person who is youngest in the middle  don't put adults in the middle how don't need it

Here are some photos of my class swimming

Here you can see that we are putting on life jackets

Here is some more

Thursday, August 30, 2018

School Production

Our school production has just finished. Our class did Brazil because our school production is called "The Journey". "The Journey" is about some alien children who run away from mars and travil all away around the world.

                                                          Some facts about Brazil :

1.    In Brazil the population is over 183,888,841 they also speak Portuguese.

2. The name Brazil comes from the tree named Brazilwood.

Here is some writing I did about the Production

As I was waiting on the stairs I could hear the music booming and people clapping. It was really loud. As I went on stage felt really really nervous but as soon as I got on stage I wasn't nervous anymore. There were big bright lights I felt like I was going blind. Once it was done we moved back as the cast move forward. The acting was over and we sang one last song. “We Are the World”. We did the actions when it was the chorus. It was really amazing. I love being on stage. I feel like I could do it one million times again but not at night. I really want to do it again before I have to leave HHS. I really like how everybody worked really well together.

Sunday, August 5, 2018

This Is Me

On 3rd of August Room 15 & 6 did Assembly Our song that we sang was called This is me. I thought we did a great job with learning our actions and singing the song. The school all loved it! Here's  some pictures of our performance. 


Thursday, August 2, 2018

Visual Maths

In Room 15 and 16 we have been making graphs  with our maths buddy's. Me and Pippa's graph is about colours. Here's a question:  Is 4 heads better than 2 ?


Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Jolt Dance Workshop

On Tuesday I did a dance program called Jolt. The dance instructors were really lovely and sweet. My favourite activity was the one that was with the sticks. Here are some photos of Jolt.


Tuesday, May 29, 2018

The Explorer

Most schools in New Zealand are reading the book called The Explorer by Katherine Rundell. You should really buy the book it's really good. The book is about a group of kids how are on their way home but the captain has a heart attack and cuts the engine and the plane crashes and they are fighting for survival. Will they survive in the amazon forest? Have you ever been in the amazon jungle?
Image result for the explorer

Image result for the explorer

Image result for amazon jungle


Tuesday, May 22, 2018

On the first day of term two. All of the year 5 class's went to Spencer park for two nights it was amazing so in the holidays you can go there for a camp if you want to. There are a lot of things that you can do there is a farm yard were you can see some really cool animals. You can see a Turkey there. Here is a picture of me at Adrenalin forest.